Kamis, 01 November 2012


the first contributor of global warming is certainly very exhaust gas assists the gas for the vehicle and factory exhaust gas also. Issues like this are actually so large in the eyes of sortan being a global society, surely this beradampak on the credibility of the company in the eyes of the public. so many companies are vying to have their lebel go green. There are a few companies that Bakan specifically looking for fresh graduate who care about environmental issues.

Nowadays the company several times both foreign or local into the spotlight because it is exposed to environmental issues, for example ever befall Indonesia owned company who sempet di block export to several countries in the Americas because it got a paper mill accusations are not keep the environment so that its products are blocked. Actually it's a bias occurs because the company really unbiased keep environment or indeed the motive of the business. Because we know Indonesia managed to become exporter of paper that is sought after in the world. So some who thought the issue was thrown into the Indonesia foreign parties so that some switch to their products. But apart from the foregoing it will be good business good start implementing a business go green. Due to the fact that global warning was already threatening the Earth.

Indonesia was its own forest has been reduced because the land use shift to industrial land. In addition to other problems that are usually made by the factory are waste products which contaminate the surrounding environment, be it pollutes the rivers, soil, and air. not to mention the difficult industrial waste recycled naturally. for this issue appears to be the owners of the company must be really serious about making a program that is more environmentally friendly. It's good companies are starting to incorporate environmental care programme into its business processes.

Of course to create a business that cares more about ilngkungan. be applied from the time the process input to the output. For example, for input, it is worth keeping the company anyway and the continuity of a raw material, such as paper mills, he must also keep the tree as its main raw material. then the factory took part in recovery back ex factory if it wants to move the cropping area.

As for the environment of workflow solutions go green can be applied with paper-saving way and replaced with an application that could accommodate all of the types of activities that require paper. or simply use the blank space on the paper over the former. even if it can be any modifications to the product the products that are more environmentally friendly (in cycle of product). And don't forget the most important factories were formed the CSR programs are attentive to environmental issues, be it the program penanamn tree, or other.

Don't forget the most important of all the process that is to be aware of the effects of mill effluent on the environment industry. This is the biggest problem for the company. Because the business process in Indonesia have all implemented the penglolahan good to waste the waste really don't pollute the environment, whereas many mebuang factories that discharge into a river where the River is a public arena. It's certainly had an impact on many things. Residents of the area contaminated waste has always had skin problems, diarrhea and so on other issues to any citizen can no longer use the river for daily needs.

Sewage treatment problem can be addressed with technology that could neutralize substances contained in the waste so as to normalize the moisture content of the former industry so that the water can be drained into the river without the worry of polluting the River. In addition the company also may involve the usual Institutions dealing with environmental issues to take part in resolving the problem of waste.

Some companies outside of the really serious business issues has responded to go green, for example only the car manufacturers started to create electric power cars in order to reduce air pollution. google created the blackle search engine as an environmentally friendly because it uses very little power. national geograpi participating plant 1000 trees in some countries for a replacement exhaust emissions of the aircraft they used in news coverage and much more. And some companies were actively celebrates environmental certification for their products. So their products are eco-friendly bersertifikasikan. This is obviously a real step is taken the company to issue environmental solutions...

Senin, 15 Oktober 2012



Contract or Agreement in Arabic is 'uqud plural of' aqd, which literally means, bind, join, lock, restrain, or in other words to make a deal
Pillars of the contract there are three, namely:1. Sighah, that statement and qabul consent of both parties, may be with lafadz or speech, may also be done in writing. Sighah, must be aligned between consent and qabulnya.2. Aqidan, namely: the parties will carry out the contract, both parties will execute this contract must have reached the age of puberty-baligh (according to the law in force in a country), should be in a state of insanity (not crazy) or have a healthy mind , must be mature (Rushd) and be responsible in the act, not wasteful, and can trust to manage your financial problems very well.
3. Expensive al-aqd or contract objects ie: service, or valuable objects and objects of the contract is not prohibited by sharia. Object covenants prohibited (haram) by Islam law are: 1. Alcohol 2. Blood 3. Carcass 4. Meat babi.3. Expensive al-aqd or contract objects ie: service, or valuable objects and objects of the contract is not prohibited by sharia. Object covenants prohibited (haram) by Islam law are: 1. Alcohol 2. Blood 3. Carcass 4. Pork.Legality of contract in Islamic law, there are 2. the first. Valid, or invalid, which means that all the pillars of the contract and all conditions have been met, the second. Bathil, if one of the pillars of the contract are not met, then the contract is void or invalid, especially if there is an element Maisir, Gharar and Riba in it. Akad effective again divided into two, ie: 1. Commonly-binding and Ghayr al-prevalent - not binding. Common covenant is an agreement that can not be canceled by either party without the consent of the other party. For example: divorce by compensation payments given property of the wife to the husband. Medium ghayr al-prevalent agreement can be canceled by either party without the consent of the other party in the transaction eg partnership (Musharaka), agency (power of attorney), probate (wassiyyah), loans (arriyah), and care (wadiah).In addition, the Islamic financial transactions are 7 types of contract are classified according to the contract object and purpose:
a. 'Uqud al-Tamlikat-contract whose purpose is to transfer the ownership of objects from one party to another. This type of contract is divided into two more, namely: the first: 'uqud-al mu'awadat-object exchange contract between two parties, where each party has something going on exchange ownership rights to another party, such as transaction- purchasing, and foreign exchange transactions, the second: uqud al-tabarru'at the contract based on the voluntary willingness of one party wishing to object to the transfer of ownership rights of others without expecting to get something from the other party, for example, is a grant, waqf, alms.
b. 'Uqud al-Isqatat-elimination is a contract-for example: a. Divorce, b. Forgiving a killer (qisas), c. Freeing debtor from all debts.
c. 'Uqud al-Itlaqat-contract In order to eliminate restrictions that apply to a person, and when this happens the contract ban was removed, as the agency or power of attorney, where earlier a person prohibited from doing anything without the permission of a particular party, with the contract wakalah then a agents can represent a company or person to do something prior to the contract, it was forbidden to do so.
d. 'Uqud-al-Taqyidat-contract to impose a ban on something to someone, for example: an agency contract expiration.
e. 'Uqud-al-Sharikat - contract of cooperation, partnership for businesses, such as cooperation in the principle of cooperation in managing the farm (muzara'ah), cooperation in the field of irrigation plants (Musaqah), and cooperation with the principle of profit sharing (Mudharabah).
f. 'Uqud-al-Tawthiqat-contract to secure the loan, for example, the principle of warranty (kafalah), transfer of debt (hiwalah) and pledge (rahn). Akad was also in call contract warranty (uqud al-damanat).
g. 'Uqud-al-Istifazat - This contract goal for valuables care, for example, safe deposit box (wadiah).

Type-contract agreement in the Islamic faith from the perspective and composition sighahnya there are three, namely:
1. 'Uqud Munjanah-contract full, complete and perfect the effektifitasnya immediately apply where the contract is from beginning to end no additives or any changes that could alter the condition in the future. The Agreement applies to all types of contract, unless the contract is for probate (wasiyyah), or the appointment of guardian (isa '), because in the contract wasiyyah and isa' enactment of the contract occurs only if the first party has died. To testament types akadnya is' uqud Mudafah.
2. 'Uqud Mudafah-effektifitasnya covenants immediately applicable in the future determined appropriate by both parties. For example: the first said: "I contracted my home to you next month from the date of five at 10 million per year." Then the second said I received a contract house worth 10 million per year in the starting five next month. " So began an effective contract or force on the first five months.
3. 'Uqud Mu'allaqah-contract certain conditions, with the addition of the sighah words like' if ',' if ',' if '. His example: the first said: "when you pass degree, I thank you to an employee in my office." Then the second said: "I received an employee in your office, if I pass degree".
Some of contract arising from this exchange include:
1) Naqdan, namely the exchange or buying and selling is done in cash.
2) Murabaha, ie agreement on the sale and purchase of certain goods.
3) Salam; sale and purchase of certain criteria with payment made at the beginning
and goods are received later.
4) Istishna; sale and purchase of pre-emptive manner with clear criteria
(Many scholars equate it with a greeting)
5) Ijarah; lease contract goods with compensation services, and others.

islam in business akadasangat in need because the contract that will guarantee a transaction or partnership to be formed, so that the owners of capital and pelakuusaha both know bisnsinya work process, how many divisions, and this will be one party ketikbila guarantee no one feels in emphasis . if the contract is not established then one side will feel aggrieved because without the contract then the aggrieved party can not claim the loss. including also have to be smart and transparent when making the contract that both profit.

Refrensi : 

Selasa, 09 Oktober 2012

Proses Bisnis Syariah (TugasII)

Business sharia, Islamic finance is currently being developed. appearance not only because of the trend, but it is now a lot of people who see business success also comes from a spiritual business for that business began to touch the spiritual aspect of the business. by john and patricia Aburdene naisbit megatrend in the book 2000. based on the results of the study by using the theory stratistik trends, says that people in the year 2000 and onwards the increased religiousity, religious fervor. cause could be due to many factors including the human effort to seek pleasure in his own way, turned out ta not produce substantial happiness (harahap, 2001). This trend caught the attention of business people in the Islamic world to try to apply Islamic spiritual-based business. businessmen certainly hope this is not just a benefit the world but also hope of happiness hereafter. This awareness must be the basis for starting a business based on sharia.

Here's a verse that goes along with the desire began to turn to Islamic business is:

QS. Al-Baqarah verse 85

"... Do you believe in the bible and remember some of the others? Nor reply to those who do so than you guys, but disgrace in this life and on the Day of Resurrection they returned siska very heavy. Allah is not unaware of what is you do. "

This verse confirms that partially Muslims, Muslims will experience losses keterpurikan worldly and hereafter. therefore the application of the principles of Islam in all aspects of life, including when conducting business, is clearly a necessity (Setyanto 2003).

Islamic business is not much different from the non-Islamic business processes where an implementation / realization of a business process that is applied in a company or organization, but its business processes to absorb some of the rules of Islamic Shari'ah. Forms of Islamic finance was not much different from the business in general, which is an attempt to produce / commercialize goods and services to meet the needs of consumers. But the Islamic aspect that distinguishes the business in general. So that in addition to seeking Islamic finance business in general, also runs the Islamic Shari'a in its business activities.

To distinguish between Islamic business and is not, then we can know through the traits and characteristics of Islamic finance has its own uniqueness and characteristics. Some characteristics include:

1. Always Rests In ruhiyah values​​. Ruhiyah value is every man's awareness of his existence as a creature (creature) God must always be in contact with him in the form of obedience in every breath of his life. There are at least three aspects of this ruhiyah value must be realized, namely the aspects: (1) concept, (2) system enacted, (3) Actors (personnel).

2. Has Understanding the Business Halal and Haram. An Islamic businessmen demanded to know true facts (tahqiqul manath) the Sahih business practices and wrong. Besides also have to understand the fundamentals that made legal texts (tahqiqul hukmi).

3. True In Syar'iy In Implementation. The point at issue is no agreement between theory and practice, between what has been understood and enforced. So the judgment is not merely a material profit and loss.

4. In the results-oriented world and the Hereafter. Business would be done to get the maximum benefit in the form of many treasures, and it is justified in Islam. Because in doing business is to gain material benefits (qimah madiyah). In this context the results obtained, is owned and perceived, is such a treasure.


As I've discussed previously ditulisan about business processes. where the business process has three main processes, and this time it will be described as well the differences between Islamic and non-Islamic businesses. the following:

1. management process is a process that controls the operation of a system.
  • Syariah
First, management is concerned with the behavior associated with the value of faith and monotheism.
second, management was concerned with the structure of the Islamic organization. as can be seen in the letters AL An'am 65 which describes the rules the world, the role will not be the same man.
Third, management discussed the sharia system. This system is structured so that the behavior of actors in it goes well.
  • non syriah:
in the management of the manager in the face of problems and solve them based on past actions.

2.Proses Operations, which includes the core business processes and create the primary value stream. for example, such as the purchasing, manufacturing, marketing, sales.
  • Shariah:
Mudaraba (profit consortium) is an arrangement or agreement between a buyer and businessmen capital projects roomates employers may use the funds for the project to run his commercial activity. The advantage gained will be shared between financiers and entrepreneurs project follows a ratio while flea borne entirely by financiers.

Musharaka (vague attempt) is the concept of Islamic banking is Usually using for trade or commerce partnership together to for a commercial company. benefits obtained would dikongsi together by a ratio approved when losses will be borne Based on the ratio of capital contribution.

Murobahah (kos store) is selling stuff that does not violate syarian, at a price roomates includes a profit margin agreed by both seller and buyer. Among the letter is the purchase price and selling price. profit margin was about emasa Clearly stated sale agreement executed.

Ijarah (leasing Pure) is providing the opportunity for tenants to take advantage of the leased goods for a certain period in return for an agreed amount as an example is used to finance a car, the customer will enter a contract first and give the car rental rates at the agreed price for the particular date. payment due at the end of the contract, both for the customer will be authorized to purchase the vehicle at the agreed price.

Wadiah is custody of funds where the depositor can withdraw funds at any time. wadiah system banks are not obliged to, but are allowed to give bonuses to the customers.

  • Non-Islamic:
credit creation
function giral
planting and billing
savings accumulated investment dna
trus services
profits to reward shareholders.

3. Supporting processes are processes that support the core processes. eg accounting, rekuirement and help center.

there is no difference between the supporters of Islamic and non Islamic. because both Sharia and non syari both need accounting requirements and help center.

Here is a table differences Islamic and non-Islamic business (menggagas bisnis islam - Muhammad Ismail Yusanto, Muhammad Karebet Widjajakusuma ) :

application of this concept it is not necessarily easy, why? because of this concept that really needs self-awareness of the business actors. in addition to awareness, sharia business also has a noticeable difference in 3 main business processes that really rely on a trust and openness between all the actors of course activities including the customer so there is no doubt when running this Sharia business.

A Chinese philosopher, Confucius, describes the phenomenon of human behavior as described above. with the following wise words:

"They lost their health because of the money, and they lose a lot of them to restore their health. Excited to think about the future and prospects, they forget the present as if they never lived in the present and the future, and they live as if will not die, and they die swabs they never lived "

clear from the sentence above illustrates that businesses are not syriah when success can indeed benefit but the benefit it has sacrificed a lot of business, and sometimes sacrifice that makes them forget about things more certain in life after death. so it would be nice to achieve spiritual success principles involved in the business process is expected to provide a balance between the pursuit of profit and look for the good. course to gain success for the good of the world and success in the Hereafter. Thus the existence of human life because it will die so it is good to get the business started turning to Islamic finance really applying Islamic principles in every business process, is to balance their business and the business.

Refrensi :
Riyanto Sofyan, Bisnis Syariah Mengapa Tidak? - Gramedia (Google book)

Minggu, 23 September 2012



Business is an activity which directly affects an organization or company. While the process is designed sequence of execution, being able to describe the flow of an input until it becomes an output.
a company to describe the flow of activities at his company input to output. This all used so that the company can achieve a certain goal.

Business processes can also help companies to facilitate an understanding of how the company works. can also be used as a common thread that connects each element in the company. such as organizational competencies, technology requirements and business policies with the drivers of the business. keep in mind that every business process must be in accordance with the vision and mission goals can be achieved with the right company.

business process is not merely a design that is made without foundation, for that there are several characteristics of business processes that must be owned by a business process, the following:
  1. Definitif: A business process must have limits, input and output pins.
  2. sequence: A business process should consist of sequential activities according to time and space.
  3. Customer:A business process must have a process result receiver.
  4. Value added: The transformation that occurs in the process should add value to the recipient.
  5. Linkage: A process can not stand alone, but must be linked in an organizational structure.
  6. Cross Function: A process generally, though not necessarily, include some functions.

Besides having a character, a business process has three main types of processes, the following:
  1. Management process, which is a process that controls the operation of a system. Examples such as the Strategic Management.
  2. Operational processes, ie processes which includes the core business and create the primary value stream. For example, processes such as purchasing, manufacturing, advertising and marketing, and sales.
  3. Supporting processes, which support the core processes. Examples such as accounting, recruitment, help center.
The three main processes should be mutually supportive of each other, starting from the operational processes are the most important processes in accommodating all the input, followed by supporting processes where the process is functioning mendapingi operational processes rather be going well, until the process is a process in which management sufficient to determine both the previous process. so therefore if one is lost at one then the business process will not run correctly. so that the resulting output was wrong, that goal has been determined from the first will not be achieved. below to better explain what the business can then see the image below:


As defined above, from the picture presented we can visualize how the business processes running in an enterprise or organization. where the business process flow describes the movement of an activity from upstream to downstream or can call originated from an input then go ketahap also explained the process by which inside the stages of activities involving many parties, and the collaboration of all these activities was reached an output of business processes that .

The core of the establishment of a business process is a goal. where the purpose of a business process is effective, efficient, and makes it easy to adapt the processes therein. that will generate competitive value for his company, so they can grow opportunities for companies to benefit, it can also improve the performance of the company, and can make the company adapt to the resources.

Actually, the business process will produce the expected output if supported by some elements. These elements we call it as enablers, the following:
  • design work flow, work flow contains a sequence of activities to be implemented to meet the target of a process in which the workflow is made to facilitate the entire pkerja understand business processes in the company or can also say this workflow to guide them in their work. This workflow can be described in writing or may be depicted in the form of a diagram. We know different kinds of diagrams, the most popular is a flow diagram (flow chart). In addition there is also a map of the operation (OPC-operation process chart), left-hand right-hand map, WBS (Work Breakdown Structure) and other diagrams.
  • information technology, in this case the IT function itself is helping to support the existing business processes. where with the help of manual IT workflow can run fast.
  • motivation and measurement, a reason why it is necessary sangatalah important process in the business process. This reason is that the motivation or justification (raison d'etre) a particular business process. Elements of motivation is very important because it will be the basis for evaluating whether a process is operating effectively or not. Without clarity of motivation process, it is impossible that we can analyze and improve a process. Therefore, each process needs to have a measure of success to see the achievements of the reason for its existence. A popular term today is KPI (Key Performance Indicator). So basically KPI is a measure of how effectively a process, not a direct measure of the person's position or work unit. If each process has a KPI, then the collection process with various KPIs in an office or a new unit can be seen.
  • human resources, this factor is very important because it is people who will menajlankan workflow, human mngambil decisions in each business process. if HR does not understand the correct workflow so they will not work correctly. treatment of this very element must be considered, because this element is the element vulnerable to making mistakes.
  • policies and rules, policies associated with the general guidance in the execution of a process, while the rule is more operational. Policies are not rigid because indirect effect on output. Meanwhile, more rigid rules as directly related to the execution of a process. Because of its nature, the policies needed for global business processes or initial level, while the rules for the level of detail hierarchy. At the level of the smallest business process rules are referred to as Standard Operating Procedure (SOP).
  • facilities, the issue may be machinery, equipment or other work tool. Facilities can also be a tool to support such as computers, forms worksheet (worksheet) that is used to collect, process and analyze data. The latter may be a small thing that is often ignored. And without the data, we run the process can not be evaluated and ultimately can not be repaired. KPI no matter how well designed, if not accompanied by supporting data will not be of much use.
I can infer that busines process is a flow of activities, which depicted the entire activities within a company, which can be dsebut busines process as a benchmark work of the principals' activities. course of a business process is made in accordance with the prevailing policies of the company. while determining the success of a business process are the enablers that are critical components that affect a business process that runs as well as the business processes that will re-engineer the future. if a company can properly design, execute business processes that can help companies resolve business process so that the company can achieve its objectives appropriately.

Refrensi :